Your advert

Once your advert is uploaded to the website, it is your responsibility to ensure it is kept up-to-date. We politely request that you sign in frequently to keep your advert current. We reserve the right to remove adverts which contain explicit or offensive material. This will also result in an account ban.

Search results order

Diamond adverts appear before Sapphire adverts and Ruby adverts in search results and Sapphire adverts appear before Ruby adverts. Ordering within types is random each time a page loads or a search is conducted to ensure we are giving all adverts a fair chance to be displayed.


Subscriptions are monthly rolling subscriptions which can be cancelled from your account control panel. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time.

Promotion codes

Promotion codes provide a free month of a subscription of your choice provided you keep your subscription active for the full month. Once you have started a subscription using a promotion code, a PayPal payment profile is created to enable us to continue your subscription after the free month expires. If you cancel your subscription during the free month, all remaining free days within the month will be lost.

Cancellations and refunds

You are free to cancel your subscription at any time from your account control panel. We are unable to refund any remaining days.


Winner Weddings does not endorse any of the companies listed on the website and cannot be held responsible for their actions. Whilst we will do our best to ensure the companies listed on the website are genuine, we respectfully advise that you are vigilant when dealing with them.